Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Well what started as a cruddy day turned cruddier. Today was my 8am class. An 8am class in chemistry that lasts four hours. Dear God.

Things were bright at first, when we played a game where we made words out of the symbols from the Periodic Table. I had way too much fun with this, much to the confusion of my partner. Anyhow, this excercise just managed to reinforce how weird being back in school makes me feel. It seems I have just recently come to terms with my weirdness. I'm weird... but charming! I'm strange, but so are others. I had a lucky streak of finding kids with similar leanings. But not here. I have officially come to the decision that everyone in my class sucks. They are now guilty until proven innocent. They have gawked at my mummy jokes, refused to squee at the fun of our pottery project, and now they can't even manage to be impressed when I spell BAUHAUS (that's Barium/Uranium/Gold/Sulfur). Idiots. Twits. Jerkfaces!

Chemistry class then continued on to several mathy type things which I JUST DIDN'T GET. The teacher made things worse by glossing over this, saying something flip like "I'm sure this is all easy review for you." I am going to the student tutoring tomorrow for help.

Hopefully the student tutoring won't be as wretched as student health services. I went because I wanted to renew my birth control pill. I managed to make a quick appointment for tomorrow. Before I left, I took a peek at the giant phamphet of display. And found a fucking treasure trove of women-shaming, god-fearing, pseudo-caring, condescending, heavy handed anti-abortion literature (the worst: "Almost a Daddy"). I riffled through, to see if there was anything a little more... pro-choice. Perhaps all this awful anti-choice stuff was here to be fair. To show both sides and all. Nope. Nada. Zilch.

I asked the woman at the desk if they accept any pamphlets, or if there's some review or something. She said I would have to ask the nurse (who was on lunch). She asked if I had any pamphets to drop off. Now I am seriously considering creating pro-choice pamplets to stuff in alongside the Focus on the Family one.

And then I somehow convinced myself that my afternoon class started at 2pm rather than 1pm. So I arrive a full HOUR late. Frak.

1 comment:

  1. bauhaus is full of win!

    on the pamphlet thing, a lot of those places in colleges don't have any volunteers or staff to check over what they offer - lame excuse but it is true...GBC was like that, until I began working there and reviewed everything they offered. maybe calling your local pro-choice organization and letting them know will either get you a handful to give them or they'll do go in themselves.
