This is kind of hard to see. Fantastic new concept: FLEM MEN. Superheroes in the service of the re-animated head of Sir Sanford Fleming, inventor of time zones, the first postage stamp and non-inventor of the in-line skate.
Heros include...
TIME ZONE: Can alter the time zone around the enemy, so um, they're in a different time zone and it confuses them? Or so he can run away from the enemy? He also uses this power so he's never late for any FLEM MEN meetings. He just changes the time zone when he arrives. He says quippy lines like: "Hey- don't zone out on me!" or "Looks like I got here just in TIME!" or "TIME to kick some ass!"
IN LINE: Rides around in an old fashioned wood, leather and metal in line skate. Kind of an outcast because despite rumours that Sir Sanford Fleming invented the in-line skate, it was actually invented by someone else (a Belgian). Fleming just did some sketches that "improved" on the design. His power is that... he's really fast? His catch-phrase: "You wanna piece of me? Get IN LINE!"
THREE PENNY BEAVER: Named after the postage stamp designed by SSFleming. She's an affordable sex worker by night, a crime fighter later in the night. Her outfit is made out of postage stamps. She shoots stamps from her hands, which sticks the enemy to the spot. Says: "no penny pinching!" or "Penny for your thoughts?" or "If you want my two cents... or should I say THREE?"